Wednesday, 22 January 2014


Tom was aware of a Zoetrope as a fellow student created one mounted on a bicycle wheel that was a permanent fixture in class. So it was we set about making our own version. Though a more primitive example made purely from card and a pencil. Very Sheila Graber!

Using the first of the storyboard ideas with the olympic flags leaving the frame Tom set about drawing & colouring the 18 odd pictures to complete the cycle. Here are a few production pictures to show how it came to be..

The Write Up

Almost there

A single frame

As the criteria states 'moving image' then the zoetrope ticks the marking scheme boxes and even a rudimentary version like ours was good enough to show how the technique in action. 

This was an opportunity to discuss some basic animation theory into the classroom practicals. Hence I brought in some printed works with reference to Ding Huan and some early Zoetrope examples. 

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