Tuesday, 3 December 2013

DBS checks (previously CRB checks)

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks (previously CRB checks)

So a condition of attending the school has been the need to apply to the DBS. 
I met with the secretary to the headmaster who vetted my application and offered guidance during the process. 

Dear Martin,

Thank you for submitting your application for a DBS Disclosure via Staffordshire County Council's online disclosure system.

The DBS have received your application electronically and your application form reference is: E0410370811.

You can use this application form reference to track the progress of your application via the link https://secure.crbonline.gov.uk/enquiry/enquirySearch.do

After clicking on the above link, please select 'track an individual application'. After selecting you will be required to stipulate the below information:

·         DBS application form reference number (detailed above)
·         Your date of birth

Staffordshire County Council


Monday, 2 December 2013

Hockney - Continuos Line / Stitchers

During Toms research into artists he considered David Hockney and his continues line drawings. Hockney is also an inspiration of my own and I spoke with Tom about his photography and the photo-stichers that he produced. Although we came from different angles we both came back to the same artist as inspiration for our projects

Continuos Line
Hockney Photostitch