Tuesday, 3 December 2013

DBS checks (previously CRB checks)

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks (previously CRB checks)

So a condition of attending the school has been the need to apply to the DBS. 
I met with the secretary to the headmaster who vetted my application and offered guidance during the process. 

Dear Martin,

Thank you for submitting your application for a DBS Disclosure via Staffordshire County Council's online disclosure system.

The DBS have received your application electronically and your application form reference is: E0410370811.

You can use this application form reference to track the progress of your application via the link https://secure.crbonline.gov.uk/enquiry/enquirySearch.do

After clicking on the above link, please select 'track an individual application'. After selecting you will be required to stipulate the below information:

·         DBS application form reference number (detailed above)
·         Your date of birth

Staffordshire County Council


Monday, 2 December 2013

Hockney - Continuos Line / Stitchers

During Toms research into artists he considered David Hockney and his continues line drawings. Hockney is also an inspiration of my own and I spoke with Tom about his photography and the photo-stichers that he produced. Although we came from different angles we both came back to the same artist as inspiration for our projects

Continuos Line
Hockney Photostitch

Monday, 25 November 2013

Mixed Media

As referred to in earlier posts other artists attend the school to share their craft and inspire students ideas of what art can be beside the obvious drawing and painting. One such artist is Julia Jowett. 

Mrs Simmonds arranged for Julia to attend shortly before I started at the school and her legacy was a project called 'A stitch in time'  Using cross-stitch embroidery to embellish fabric crossed over to Tom and the result were these Olympic Figures created using wire and cross stitch. While not an everyday site we all loved the end result and opened our minds to how old techniques  could be utilised in new ways. While  a bit off message for this report I couldn't help but include this. 

Wire & Cross-Stitch


Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Groups & Gatherings

The 'Theme' for Tom's work is 'Groups & Gatherings'
In negotiation with the teachers Tom has decided to apply the 'Olympics' as a central idea to base his projects and weave ideas into his work.

Having strong associations and symbolism this gives a strong base from which Tom can be creative and obviously already has 'motion' in the numerous events that encapsulate the 'Olympic' theme.

Together we can explore these to develop his storyboard idea and carry out the tests to see what techniques will work and which will not.

The Olympic rings are an obvious starting point … Good Work Tom!

Tuesday, 5 November 2013


Tom has sketched a 'storyboard' to work his ideas around. It lacks in-betweens but is a good start point to work into as we progress Rather than post a storyline it seems better to post the storyboard itself, leaving the rest to the readers imagination.

Miss Turner agreed that while this forms an outline of the ideas Tom has it will require some more idea development before we reach a finished version.

Monday, 4 November 2013

The Brief

This 'Brief' forms the basis for my work with Tom over the course of his A-Level module and my, External Brief module. It carries within it the required contact time through to the module submission of both Tom's and my course work. 

The theme of the project is ‘Groups & Gatherings’ and Tom has opted to combine the 'Olympics' with this theme and has already collected notes and done initial research on artists, symbols etc relating to the Olympics. Work for this module will be collected in his workbook. 

I will attempt to document the progress he makes within this blog.  
The bulk of the work to meet the exam board criteria requires an extensive range of 'research' and 'tests' with 2d animation involving 'moving image' and other processes. 

Monday, 28 October 2013

Day 2 - Meeting Tom

So day two and Tom is in class. Tom is busy with his assignment but is happy to discuss his project ideas and show his early work. Mrs Simmonds explains how Tom receives special tuition due to his 'learning needs'. Obviously the details of which are private and confidential so lets just say Tom is somewhere on the autism spectrum. But while he lacks some social skills he is obviously keen to make his art talent his future and his keeness is infectious.

Toms time is split as Kingsmead has a sister school in Norton Canes so not all his days are spent here and he's obviously got other A-levels to study towards.  Not to turn down a challenge or an opportunity I agree to the mutual voluntary arrangement on the acceptance by the Headmaster and necessary legal checks. 

1st Day in School

During my first day at Kingsmead I met with Katherine Simmonds, Head of Department for Art&Design and she introduced me to the teachers within the department. The department itself consists of four class rooms of modest size and facilities. There are a few macs in one class which is where Miss Turner teaches running some Adobe CS5 programs including Photoshop and some basic 'animation' related software such as i-stop motion.

While Katherine is aware of a few students having an interest or having produced animated work it is a subject that remains a sideline to the types of art produced at a secondary school such as Kingsmead. While not being in a run down area, Kingsmeads catchment area and facilities can in no way be classed as privileged and changes to Government thinking from the top down appears to result in Art as a subject being undermined by 'core' subjects and the numbers of sixth form students looking at Art appear to be single figures.

Katherine has singled out two or three potential students whom would benefit from spending time with me, assisting their project work. Joanne has an interest in photography and was keen to look at software that could develop this so we sat down with Photoshop and ran over the basic interface while looking at the work she has produced. There was also Tim who has a true fascination with creating lego animation. He has already created detailed storyboard ideas and basic stop-motion animation tests. However his timetable may not coincide with my available days so this leaves me with Tom. Tom wasn't in today so I'll get a second visit to meet him and time to decide if I'm still up to take on this voluntary role for the brief.

It's fair to say I went home with a slight migraine on day one.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Exam Board Criteria

Understanding the Curriculum

As a start point Mrs Simmonds introduced me to the Edexel exam syllabus that gives the teacher the framework to deliver the module as they see fit, within the guidelines laid out in this document. 

A copy of this document was saved for me to take away in order I could get a better understanding of how the syllabus is dictated by the exam board. 

While there is some freedom of the projects and classroom tasks that are set, certain framework must be followed and the marking scheme is key to how this is applied. Luckily Mrs Simmonds has years of experience in working to the Edexel framework and Miss Turner sits on the marking board so again, has a thorough understanding of how best to set weekly tasks to shape their students work from initial ideas through to final submission.  


Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Points of Contact

For Reference I've included my contact points at Kingsmead School during the external brief 

Kingsmead School
Kings Avenue 
WS12 1DH
Headteacher: Mr I Bryant

Art Department
Mrs K. Simmonds
 Subject Leader – Art 
E: k.simmonds@kingsmead.staffs.sch.uk
T: 01543 512455 
F: 01543 512481
 W: www.kingsmeadonline.net

Miss H. Turner Art Teacher E: h.turner@kingsmead.staffs.sch.uk
T: 01543 512455 
F: 01543 512481
W: www.kingsmeadonline.net

Mrs Katherine Simmonds is my principle contact point and as Subject Leader, heads the Art Department. It was thanks to Katherine I was able to attend the school and got the required clearance to work alongside the students. 

Miss Hannah Turner is my contact point as Tom is within her class during the majority of the sessions I'm onsite. Hannah will monitor the progress of Tom and guide the project making sure we meet Tom's Edexel criteria and ensuring we stay on track. She will also help mark the final submission Tom puts forward for his award. 

Monday, 14 October 2013

External Brief - Kingsmead School

After some initial discussions and meetings it has been agreed for me to attend Kingsmead School, Hednesford, to complete my external brief working on a voluntary basis within the Art Department. I will primarily engage with a student named Tom to aid him in completing  his Double Art Award. Here is a brief description of the Project Brief. 

Project Brief for Unit 4/5

Unit 4 – Working in 2D
Unit 5 – Working in 3D

GCE Applied Year -  Double Award

This unit will enable you to develop 2D skills through one or more specialist areas of your choice. These specialist areas share many media and techniques in common, but tend to differ in the purposes for which images are used. Specialisms may include Painting and drawing, fine-art printmaking, experimental photography, moving images, mixed media, fashion or textiles. 

You will develop a body of work based on the theme of ‘Groups and Gatherings’. This may be crowds and congregations of people, coming together for purpose.

Artists, designers and craft workers use investigation as part of the creative process in order to help develop their ideas and produce outcomes. This investigative work will inform your ideas. Artists, designers and craft workers can use a wide range of media, materials, tools and equipment to develop and create their work. To help develop your ideas you will need to explore the appropriate 2D mark-making or 3D techniques. You need to develop skills in, and explore the potential and limitations of the media, materials and processes in your chosen area of study.